Thursday, April 05, 2007


Putting pictures of your cat in your blog is the thing to do these days. Everyone's doing it. Rimmi did it. Twice. So did Torrk. Lita did it too, although she doesn't want you to look at her cat for fear that he will go missing.

I'm going to do one better. May I present, KITTY in all her slide show glory! Enjoy.


Rimmi said...

I hope Kitty makes Onil her bitch some day.

wurwolf said...

Kitty and Onil have the weirdest relationship. They torment each other but they're so in love. He messes around with her and she meows like he's pulling her whiskers out but she keeps coming back for more. And she'll sleep on top of him in the middle of the night and then jump off right on his stomach. I give her hugs and pets and scratches behind her ears but it's Onil she loves. I just don't get it.

Lita said...

That slideshow is freaking me out. The way the pictures zoom at me. It's not natural!